What are the features of PIM?

pim software solutions

What are the features of PIM Software?

Features of PIM: B2B and B2C firms use a range of sales channels to sell various products. These businesses usually rely on a Product Information Management system. A PIM, as it is called, is specifically designed to handle the many products and product categories dealt with by the business. 

Efficiently managing all the necessary data and information about the products helps businesses to market and sell through multiple distribution channels. All eCommerce websites and marketplaces like Amazon, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. help B2C as well as B2B businesses greatly. 

Every company has an online presence today. Using a Pim System is vital as it integrates the data management system with the online marketing system. This gives a business the edge needed to stay ahead of the competition. 

How does PIM work?

A PIM solution consists of a central repository that creates a cohesive structure for the business. All information about the products is uploaded to this central repository. It includes details like price, color, weight, dimensions, as well as rich content like images, videos, PDFs, literature, etc. 

With all this information at hand, the central repository is like a goldmine. Customers or employees from any sector can retrieve information easily. With up-to-date and accurate information, businesses stay ahead at all times. Maintaining data and information in a central repository is quite easy and quick. Businesses do not have to engage in special services for this purpose. Low-level employees can also handle the Pim Software with ease. 

Features of PIM

Product Information Management is crucial for businesses wanting to go digital. Upgrading from a simple brick-and-mortar store to an eCommerce website that handles multiple product categories is easy with the help of PIM. 

Let’s have a look at some of the positive features of PIM software and how it can increase sales, customer loyalty, and brand image.

End-to-End Solution

PIM is a perfect solution for businesses as it includes content management, catalog automation, reporting, white-boarding, workflow manager, import/export tools, and security. It gathers product information from across the enterprise and creates consistent and accurate information that is up-to-date. This helps to market the information through multiple distribution channels. With PIM, product information from separate systems can be normalized while managing all attributes and validations. 


When businesses are widespread geographically, it means data can be inconsistent. Customers in two different places could be handling the same data differently. Without consistency, business performance deteriorates. Product Information Management Software maintains a consistent view of the product master data for a business. Through the use of the central repository, PIM provides consistent and accurate information to all channels by integrating all data available.


Not only is PIM a boon for multi-channel marketing, but it also helps to share information with back-end systems like ERP, eCommerce, inventory, and order processing systems. This kind of flexibility is the result of in-built API and custom scripts. Some of the systems that PIM integrates with are 

  • ERP’s such as Prophet 21 & SAP
  • eCommerce platforms such as Magento
  • CRM
  • Inventory & Order Fulfillment
  • Accounting
  • Order Management Systems
  • Payment Gateways such as PayPal

Multi-channel marketing

PIM allows you to take full advantage of the digital world with its multi-channel marketing option. With the content present in the central repository, it is possible to instantaneously send product information/catalogs across multiple marketing channels. eCommerce websites, social media, web portals, emails, notifications, print media, PDF, etc are all ways through which products can be marketed to end-users, dealers, and customers. 

Cost Saving

One of the major features of PIM is cost saving. Automation of processes and the creation of custom catalogs help businesses reduce the cost of maintenance and marketing. With consistent data available at all times, customer satisfaction is guaranteed. This reduces product returns and builds brand loyalty. The multi-channel marketing feature of PIM also greatly reduces the cost of printing, marketing, etc. Catalogs can be sent across the digital space in no time and with very little effort. 

Choosing the best

With all these features, PIM is set to bring any business success. The transition from manual to digital is powerful. So, opting for the best software is an important choice a business makes. There are several PIM software available in the market that proclaims to be the right choice. 

Questudio is a premier software and services company that has a brilliant service called MarketStudio. It comprises PIM software, catalog automation, eCommerce platform, print/ PDF printing, multi-channel marketing, etc. The superior PIM software has helped hundreds of companies achieve success and increase their sales and customer base. 

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