Top Tips to Make Product Content Enrichment

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Tips for How to Make Product Content Enrichment a Priority

Product content managers are constantly faced with the challenge of determining which products should be prioritised for content enrichment. The result on which SKUs to author is difficult when hundreds, if not thousands, of SKUs are added to your ecommerce queue on a daily basis.

A variety of factors influence the prioritisation of content enrichment, including market conditions, ecommerce strategy, budgets and staffing, and so on. Examples of such factors include: There is no such thing as a magic formula that works every time. Every product content department, on the other hand, requires a strategy. This post contains a list of ideas that our product information management customers have successfully implemented in order to prioritise their product data enrichment activities.

Enrichment Is Clearly Defined

To enrich means to make something better or more valuable. Ecommerce content enrichment refers to improving the aspect of information provided in order for the resulting product presentation to be more useful to the customer in the long run. An enriched product content is made up of text, specifications, images, videos, and any other information you have gathered about the product, such as customer reviews, that has been added to the product.

Here are four different descriptions of a yellow raincoat to demonstrate different levels of enrichment:


Lined Yellow Men’s XL Raincoat with Waterproof Lining and Waist Length Snap Front

A raincoat that is completely watertight. With a hidden snap-button front, vented sides, reinforced seams, and adjustable cuffs, this waist-length jacket is excellent for any occasion. Coating made of polyethylene and vinyl. The lining is made of polyethylene. Yellow is a bright and cheery colour. For men, the XL size is recommended.

A raincoat that is completely watertight. With this waist-length poly/vinyl coated jacket, you can keep yourself protected from the elements. With vented sides to keep you cool, a soft poly lining, a four-snap front closure with placket, reinforced seams, and adjustable cuffs, this jacket will keep you comfortable all day. When a bright yellow colour is used, it helps to increase visibility. For men, the XL size is recommended. Customers have given us 4 out of 5 stars.

Product descriptions for the first two products are taken from a parts file. It only provides the bare essentials and is therefore of little use to a customer. Although the second product description contains additional information, it is still faulty for a customer to make an informed purchasing decision. Printed flyers and possibly web pages with the third product description are appropriate mediums for marketing the product. When you combine the fourth product description with an image or two, you have a presentation that is handy to present to potential customers.

What makes a sale? And what exactly do you have for sale?

Popular products and key brands are given top arrangement in some of the most logical product information management

strategies. For example:

The 80/20 rule comes into play here. Identify the 20 percent of your products that account for 80 percent of your ecommerce sales and make positive that these products are fully enriched with additional features.

Individually owned and operated businesses. Labels created in-house should be consistent with your brand identity and placed near the top of your enrichment hierarchy at all times.

The manufacturer will frequently provide marketing support for featured products, such as high-profile brands that you sell, in exchange for a small fee. As a general rule, if you create a web page banner for a product, make sure the product description that is linked to the banner is enhanced.

Products of the utmost significance. Those essential products that “define” your company’s brand as well as the value it provides. Make sure they reflect the fact that these are your best efforts.

Applications or markets that are critical Similar to core products, but with a strong emphasis on providing results. It is important for your hiking, boating, running, and camping content to stand out if you are a sporting goods retailer with a focus on the active outdoors lifestyle.

Other strategies for product content enrichment are more refined, such as:


Products that are usable during the season. Pools and patio furniture are popular in the spring and summer months, so a retailer who sells these items may prioritise authoring those products in time for that season’s sales, while deferring holiday and game room items until the fall.

The introduction of new products into the market. Although obvious, it is frequently overlooked. Preparing the content for a high-profile product before adding it to your ecommerce site should be your first priority.

Inventory/stocking vs. third-party procurement. Boost the quality of the items you stock and sell on a consistent basis. The items that you procure on an as-needed basis will most likely be satisfactory with less enriched content.

Password-protected e-commerce is what it sounds like. Make sure the products available to specific customers who have access to your ecommerce site are enriched if you restrict access to your site.

Products that are only available through the internet are known as online-only products. Consider the following scenario: you have a physical store as well as an online presence, but a significant portion of your inventory is only available online. Items like these are likely to be in high demand in the near future. Enhance them for the benefit of your online customers as well as to improve your Google ranking positions.

It is impossible to overstate the significance of consistency and completeness.

There are content enrichment activities that can be done on a “rainy day” that can pay huge dividends if you have the time and resources to devote to them. Neither is possible without first conducting self-scouting or auditing your product content as it currently exists.

The void has been filled. Identify any “thin” areas in the content of your product. Product categories with sparse descriptions throughout, as well as products without images, are just a few examples. Product pages with images are considered more credible by customers, and they are significantly more likely to result in a purchase than product pages without images.

Pay close attention to the faceted search option. If your website allows customers to refine their searches, this is a must-have feature. The key to effective faceted searching is to have consistent data presented in a logical and uniform manner across all search results. Data entry by a large number of people tends to produce inconsistencies in spelling and data labels over time (in., in, inch, etc.).

This type of product content enrichment involves normalising your attribute data at the SKU level in order to eliminate duplicated or inconsistent values from the product content database. Product attribute cleanup is another activity that is frequently overlooked but is extremely beneficial.

Make use of the data you’ve gathered.

If your company has the capability to synthesise product data, you might want to consider prioritising authoring based on the act of your products. In order to identify products with low online conversion rates, for example, Google Analytics data can be used. Product enrichment levels are calculated by combining this information with product information management (PIM) data to identify products that have low enrichment levels.

After that, continue to develop the content by adding more copy, images, and so on. Afterwards, keep an eye on Google Analytics to see if the conversion rate has increased.

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