What Do Customers Want From eCommerce Retailers?

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Successful eCommerce retailers all have one critical thing in common. They know what their customers want.​ But, with constantly shifting demands and evolving technology, it can be difficult to pinpoint what they are really looking for. Take a step back and view your eCommerce site from another perspective: the customer’s.


What is it that customers really want from eCommerce retailers?

Begin by asking yourself: Who are our customers? What appeals to them? Are we speaking the same language? Truly grasping your customer personas can help tremendously with creating the ultimate customer experience.

While each business will have a distinct consumer base, here are a few critical factors that all customers of today are seeking in your eCommerce website.


People are generally drawn to websites that are aesthetically pleasing. Overall design is extremely vital for bringing in customers, and more so keeping them. Just like a brick-and-mortar location, a website that is cluttered and unorganized is uninviting and displeasing. An effortless design that is clean and systematized draws customers in and keeps them on your site. In a nutshell: aim for simplicity.

Search capabilities

Customers want to quickly and effortlessly find what they’re looking for. By tagging products with relevant keywords and phrases that a customer would use to search for them, retailers can make sure customers locate products on their first try. Businesses need to focus a great deal on categorizing product information for better search results and capabilities.


With the technology available today, consumers expect everything to be personalized for them. Luckily, eCommerce retailers have the ability to learn abundant information about customers in order to provide a personalized experience. A strategic eCommerce solution that allows you to gather, store, and analyze customer data, makes way for the most personalized sales experiences. Focus on marketing strategies and learn as much as you can about your consumers.

Accurate product information

Part of living in a digitally transformed world is the expectation of accurate information at your fingertips. Customers don’t just want the information on your website, in your store, and in your catalog to be consistently accurate; they expect it. Incorrect and inadequate product information is a major reason for product returns and customer loss.


Another expectation of our digital world is cross-channel optimization. Customers want access to your website everywhere, at any time. A responsive website design that works across all channels, especially mobile, is vital. Optimization helps your business provide customers with the information they want at the time and place they desire.

Too often eCommerce retailers view their website through their own eyes and focus on how to attract more business. However, the easiest way to drive more business is to change perspective. Look at your website through the eyes of your consumers. You’ll gain some valuable insights and gain a better understanding of the customer experience.

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