Web Catalog Management for an effective Online e-commerce Store

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About Web Catalog Management for an effective Online e-commerce Store


The latest trend among many consumers is to shop online. Heading out to a brick-and-mortar store is now too time-consuming and economically unfeasible for many.

So, as an enterprise, how do you tackle this issue? It is imperative then for enterprises to have their products published online. Websites today are e-commerce stores that give their consumers an insight into the various products that an enterprise sells.

Now, will a simple website help you build a large consumer base and increase your sales? The answer is, no.

So, let’s have a look at what makes an effective online e-commerce store.

First, the website should be able to give the consumers a dynamic view of each of their products. Just uploading a picture will not do. Consumers today need a personalized approach to online shopping. Images from various angles, in-depth information about the product like size, color, feel, texture, etc. are all needed to be showcased on the website.

How do you put this exhaustive information on your website?

An online catalog maker, like CatalogStudio from Questudio is the best solution. It has a central repository that is a key to the success of your website. In this central repository, you can add any number of attributes for each product. Once this data is in the system, it is easy to publish it on the website in a dynamic manner.

Second, the website should also have a personalized section for its customers. “Customer is king” is an adage that every successful enterprise adheres to. So your website should be able to read the minds of your customers and infer their likes and dislikes. This is necessary to be able to plan your sales strategy.

Does the online catalog maker do that as well?

Yes, it does.

You can easily create a digital catalog that is like an online brochure. With CatalogStudio this process is extremely easy, time-saving and cost-effective. Just enter the product details needed for a specific catalog and your online catalog is ready for printing, online sharing or PDF publishing. Creating several versions of the catalog is also quite easy. Once your customers see the stunning catalogs, they will be attracted to the products and your sales are sure to increase. It helps to convert potential consumers into loyal ones. PDF catalog automation is another great asset for enterprises as you can easily generate hundreds of PDF catalog pages and send it across to dealers.

Another feature of CatalogStudio is its versatile and responsive e-commerce platform – WebStudio. Deploying your website and its dynamic data is easy and features such as up-selling and cross-selling products are great for enterprises. This increases revenue and also your market reach.

Using a premier web catalog management system for your online e-commerce store is the best way to be effective in business. Streamlining your data, managing an efficient payment gateway, understanding the needs of your customers, building and sustaining a loyal customer base are all facets that can be achieved with a good online catalog solution.

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