Should You Offer a Print Catalog for Your eCommerce Business?

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In today’s changing marketing landscape, it may seem like print is a dying breed. With the speed and convenience of digital marketing, a print catalog may seem useless and inferior. However, print catalogs still remain an extremely effective means of selling. Online and offline channels must coexist in order for your company’s brand to remain relevant and thriving. Should you offer a print catalog for your eCommerce business? In short, yes.


Why should you offer a print catalog for your eCommerce business?

Each marketing channel must support the other. Online cannot replace offline marketing, and vice versa. When all channels coexist to create a seamless brand experience, it generates a more powerful strategy overall. Here are a few specific reasons your business should offer a print catalog.

  • Product and brand placement. Print catalogs are tangible sources of marketing. They are a way to physically place your company and your products in front of potential customers.
  • Customer engagement. It is impossible to open a new tab or click away from your company with a print catalog. Print catalogs keep customers engaged and focused on your brand only.
  • Always available. You don’t always have access to a computer, but a print catalog is always on hand.
  • Creates a well-rounded experience. By offering offline and online channels, it is easier to get messages across and create a full brand experience.
  • Keeps your brand in customer’s minds. With a print catalog always in reach and in sight, your brand will stay in the front of your customer’s minds.
  • Increases visibility and credibility. Print is a way to communicate your brand to customers. It helps you show stability, professionalism, and reach out to more customers.
  • Easily measured results. Print is an easy channel to track and measure the results of marketing efforts.

Overall, print catalogs are an effective and valuable means of marketing for your eCommerce business. Integrated marketing–the combination of multiple channels to reach your customers–is the most effective way to achieve positive results. Print catalogs not only round out a company’s full brand experience, but they also complement online channels in a seamless and irreplaceable way. Offering a print catalog for your eCommerce business will improve your customer relationships and loyalties, and keep your business thriving.

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